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10294 Interstate 30 Frontage Road
Little Rock, AR, 72209
United States

(501) 690-4673 provides prayer and scripture resources for students and churches to share Christ on their local school campus.

Parent Info

Parent's Info to Encourage KM's

if your child has committed to be a kid missionary, he or she must have great parents and a great kids pastor!

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As a parent, you have a huge impact on your child's ministry as a KM.  You can be a great encouragement for him/her to live the 5 habits of a Kid Missionary:

PRAY- Encourage your child to spend time in prayer each day, and to pray for friends who do not know Jesus.

LIVE- Remind your KM that the way he/she talks and acts is very important.  Others at school will notice their kindness, respect for authority, and hard work in class.  Everything we do is for the Lord. 

TELL- Share your testimony with your child, and help him/her to prepare to share his/her personal story with a friend.  A testimony has three parts: What I was like before I followed Jesus, how I gave my life to Jesus, and how Jesus has changed me.  This is the best place for a child to start learning to share Christ.  Just teach him/her to share what Jesus has done.

SERVE- Help your child to see opportunities to serve teachers, school staff, friends, and family.  Kids can serve Jesus by starting a prayer group or Bible study at school.  Let God lead to opportunities that work in your setting. 

GIVE- As early in life as possible, children need to experience the blessing of giving.  Encourage your child to give a tithe of whatever money he/she receives, and to give to the missions ministries of your church. 

Contact your local children's pastor for more ideas to resource and empower your kid missionary!