Using the Tools
Using the tools
You've committed to follow jesus at school as a campus missionary!
The Firepack is provided to help you grow in the 5 habits of a Campus Missionary. Here's how:
Fire Bible Student Edition: Look for Campus Missionary ideas on page 2275, and find many other notes throughout the Bible.
Book of Hope: Keep it in your locker or backpack and pray for the opportunity to share one with a friend.
"Ask Me About Jesus" Backpack Tag: Use these tools to start conversations about Jesus.
Using the Book of Hope: Before you give a magazine to someone, pray that God would open their heart to the Gospel. In the front of the magazine, write a personal not to the friend receiving the book. When you give a magazine to someone, say something like, "I think this will be helpful to you. I'd like to talk about it after you've read it." Have a follow-up conversation with the person a few days later.