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10294 Interstate 30 Frontage Road
Little Rock, AR, 72209
United States

(501) 690-4673 provides prayer and scripture resources for students and churches to share Christ on their local school campus.

Campus Missionary

Approximately 14.9 Million students will attend a public High school this year.

From Kindergarten through college, over 70 Million students are currently enrolled in the U.S. School system. 

How can you impact America's biggest mission Field with the Gospel?

What is a Campus Missionary?

A Campus Missionary is a student who follows Jesus at school. Join the thousands of students across the United States who pray, live, tell, serve and give so their friends can follow Jesus.

A Campus Missionary commits to:

PRAY regularly for friends, teachers, school administrators, and others who need Jesus' hope.

LIVE a real, consistent Christian faith by reading, studying and memorizing God's Word, and spending time in personal worship.

TELL your friends about Jesus.

SERVE in or start an active campus club at school.

GIVE time and finances to promote Jesus' hope globally.

Know the Story. Live The story. share the story.